Title possibilities;
'Vanished/Loose Control/Lost Control/Out of Control'
Using the title 'Loose Control', it straight away appears something is imbalanced. This implys mystery and confusing if things or people are actually there.
A pyschological thriller;
We chose this genre because we can add many different effects and ideas. Camera shots will be more relevant to a psychological thriller. By representing this by picturing flashing backs. For example someone rocking in the corner of a room, possibly with a high angle shot showing a vulnerable state of mind. This added with point of view shots showing the character looking around their surroundings, panicking.

woodland areas in Cambridge

- Milton country park, recreation ground
- College grounds/woods
- a dark room
- church yard
- 'Villon/Victim'
Ruby - Camera woman
Adam - Camera man/actor
Extra 1 - Jenny, main character
Extra 2 - Nathan? actor
Narrative Ideas for our Thriller;
For our two minute opening sequence we chose to do a pychological thriller. Our idea involves two actors, one male and one female. The clip contains a depressing mood, coming across mysterious and wanting to see what will happen next. Rather than having a goorey opening involving blood and guts, our short film will show what sort of drama can lead you too and will per sue a negative effect. Only having two minutes to give away the type of genre it is, we will have to think of unusal ways to go about it, giving a feeling of anixiety, like your world is spiraling out of control.
To begin our opening, the soundtrack will begin, a tense odd scratchy noise started the clip off, setting the mood. The title of our thriller appears on the black background. This will fade into a clip of our main character being introduced; walking down the college corridors, with sudden flashes of a man standing behind her. The girl getting paranoid, almost like she has done something wrong in her past coming back to haunt her. The eerie music accompanying the clip. She backs up against the wall, camera closes up to her face, her panicking and scratching at her face looking terrified. During this scene it will cut to a blank black screen with our credits appearing in creepy Gothic writing. Flashing of an image of a clean knife on the ground. The girl will be dressed in casual everyday clothes, as the man also. The camera will then pan over different locations of the woods, the girl running past from a low angle, the man close behind. The music begins to become more tense, the pace off the shot duration increases. Continuing the young girls paranoia getting into her mind, making her loose control, hence the title.. the scene is located in a dark room, using non-natural lighting, the spotlight from above lighting up nothing. From a high angle the girl appears, rocking back and forth, holding herself in a fetal position, the soundtrack stopping at starting at this time. Zooming into her face, makeup been ruined with her tears of blood. The knife suddenly appears in the girls hand, she jumps and drops it. During this there will be sudden clips of the man from different camera ranges, walking towards the camera. As the music becomes more intense, the drama picks up, this reflecting the atmosphere. Towards the end of our opening sequence it will be located in a grave yard, the girl running, screams loudly echoing during this time, the man extremely close behind, closing in on her, she falls and crawls backwards backing up against a grave stone, once again the images of the knife flashing before our eyes. The man walking in front of the camera, unable to see the girl anymore. The screen final ends on the knife, blood dripping of the edge.
In conclusion having flash backs will involve fast pace editing which reflects panic and confusion. The opening sequence does not yet reveal the whole story, leaving you on a cliffhanger. Not knowing if the man she is real or in the girls imagination, who is innocent or that someone has done something in their future that they are soon to regret. The dull and dark images/setting suggests that it is a thriller, with the flashes of scenes and the scratchy music gives away the psychological theme. As reaches mental climax, two character meet and then begins to makes your mind wander.
To open our clip we will have an odd, spooky soundtrack in the background. This eeriy music will set a mood to the scene. As the clip goes on it will become more intense.
- Jenny would be suitable for the role of a vunrable girl because, she is a girl and looks like dweeb and is feeble. And he has plenty of practice in the fettle position.
- Adam would be suitable for the role of the odd man because, she looks like a weeeener
- Ruby would be suitable for the role of the camera woman because, he is bossy and is to much of a pussy to be on camera.
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